Western Christian Schools PSP  A legacy of Excellence since 1920


Top Ten Reasons for Homeschooling:


1. The uniqueness of homeschooling in our society is that parents take very seriously the  command of the Lord in Duet 6:7 to teach the law of the Lord diligently to our sons and daughters.


2. Homeschooling is a grass roots movement of Christianity emerging in homes across America   who are not satisfied with the direction public schools are taking in educating the young.


3. Homeschooling prioritizes raising godly children and the turning of the parents hearts toward

      their children to train them up in the way they should go.


4. Homeschooling is a privilege that we should not take for granted. We thank every father who

      goes to work to provide for his family and allows his wife to stay home and teach.


5.  Homeschooling puts building godly character as a foundation for academic excellence.


6.  Homeschooling protects children from the mindset of the world.


Homeschooling takes children out of the intense peer group pressure that deeply affects

      children at school and puts them under the loving authority of their parents.


8.  Homeschooling builds friendships for children family to family.


9.  Homeschooling instills the values of the family especially before the age of 12 years.


Homeschooling is a great life for moms and kids.


Philippians 4:8-9

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right,

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever, is of good repute, if there is

any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.